Monday, November 28, 2011

My day.

Oh the excitement of karate!
We did something new!
Yori Ashis!
Or in other words: Look stupid and hop around like an idiot
It went rather like this:
Okay, now push off with your back foot! But that's really your front foot. Now slide your front foot forward. But don't touch the ground. And don't hop either. Well, yes, hop, but don't make your head go any higher. And bring your back foot forward with your front foot. But don't go too fast! But don't bring it down too slow! Now try to go further. Add a punch!"; It didn't go well.
I have had an easier time figuring out how to put a martingale on a horse decked out in western, than figuring out how to not fall over myself.
Of course, once I thought I was getting it: "I GOT IT! I got it! I- ACK!", I would slip on the hem of my gi and do the splits. Not very dignified. It didn't really accomplish the whole "getting to the other person without them realizing it", either. I doubt I will be winning a fight any time soon with that- though my amazing skills of doing the splits just might have them back off in awe.
Oh well. I enjoy karate, even though it's not my strong suit. I'm afraid I prefer Dressage tests to kata's- and I handle hunt coats a heck of a lot better than gi's. For heavens sake, I feel like I'm drowning in those things! ACRES OF WHITE FABRIC! I'M DROWNING!
Short post for today- have to write a stupid essay on America's role in Europe's economy. Joy!
-EQ and Spirit

1 comment:

  1. Oh come on! They are a very useful technequewhatever. They help. It also helps if you hem your gi. :D Words of help and wisdom! :D

